Width: NA-wide Exposure: Full sun Growing Conditions: Well-drained soils Comments:
Two-Toned ROSE on the outsides White on insides-BEAUTIFUL-BLOOM-TIME: AT A VERY YOUNG AGE-bloomed already once this season, possibility of this variety blooming twice! I'll try to keep you apprised!
Parentage: New Zealand strain, Magnolia 'Black Tulip' is currently the only varieties
Bloom: Blooms randomly throughout season, First photo of the second bloom was taken on 9-22-2017 Apparently Yellow Slight red at base in the January bloom-1-19-2018.
Summary-Very early Blooms, then again in the late summer Blooms mostly reds with slight yellow streaks. Winter Bloom mostly Yellow Turning reds spotted yellow, very interesting, 2 or 3 blooms a season... and no fertilizer! All sizes have bloomed...
Above #7 (7-gallon), I can only ship up to 102" (8' 6")